Affiliate Links
Affiliate links on is a website that helps buyers find the right manuka honey. When we recommend a product, we will redirect you to the partner store's website using what is known as an affiliate link.
If you end up buying a product that you found through our link, we receive a commission from the seller as a small 'thank you.' Sometimes that commission is just a few cents, other times it's a bit more. Sometimes it's a one-time commission, but it can also be a commission over a longer period (if you sign up for a monthly subscription service, we may receive a percentage of that monthly fee).
The most important thing is that recommending products through an affiliate link does not cost you a penny, it's all free for you. The entire commission comes out of the seller's pocket, not yours. This is how we can cover the costs of maintaining the website and the work done.
To be able to easily tell when we use an affiliate link, we will put (*) after it. In the case of pages that compare the prices of a product offered by several partners, we display the group of words "affiliate link" with a star (affiliate link).
It is possible, only accidentally, that some links in older posts have not been marked correctly, which is why the safest thing to assume is that whenever you are directed to a third-party product, we might receive a small commission!